Aditus Explora is an educational platform whose sole purpose is to provide educational content related to surgical approaches and human anatomy. This material is for educational purposes only and does not constitute a guide or recommendation for performing medical or surgical interventions aimed at treating specific pathologies. The information presented here should not be used to replace clinical judgment or professional medical practice. Each medical case is unique and should be evaluated and managed exclusively by the treating physician, according to his or her criteria and experience.
Aditus Explora assumes no responsibility for the misuse of the educational material available on the platform. Please note that the educational content includes material related to work performed on human bodies, which may be sensitive for some people.
Aditus Explora also declares that all work related to patients has been carried out in strict accordance with the regulations in force in each country where it has been carried out. In the case of Chile, all images and interventions performed on human bodies comply with the provisions of the Health Code, Decree 725/1968 of the Ministry of Health (MINSAL), article 147 of Book Nine, as well as with the Regulations of Book Nine of the Health Code, Decree 240/1983 of the MINSAL.